
The loveisland Experience!

#loveisland #loveisland2021 #loveislandmagicmirror

PhotoBooths have teamed up with the loveisland crew to provide a Magic Mirror in the villa for use through this season.

An experience to behold for us with the professional crew and admin that comprises the entire loveisland setup.

In this current COVID era the journey to the loveisland set wasn’t quite as straightforward as many of our previous installations around the globe.

Firstly tests for COVID providing a valid certificate were required to allow us to even get onto a flight. After this was procured off the airport we went, only to be blocked from travelling initially as (for some reason going via germany) the german borders had closed to everyone unless you have a valid german passport. So many a head scratch later and off we went via Paris and then to Palma, Majorca. where a quick hire of a car and traversing the entire country I finally arrived to get the Magic Mirror installed into the Villa.

Chris not realising that you can smile on ID’s!