
The Future Of Photo Booths Is Bright

Photo booths are still the life and soul of any party, whether it be a birthday party or wedding, photo booths are still very much in fashion. The last year has been a tough one for hospitality but with things picking up, restrictions lifted and things looking a little more promising,  photo booth companies are […]

PhotoBooths Love Island Journey

The journey to install the magic Mirror at a Villa for the TV Program Love Island was eventful to say the least. COVID tests were required, providing a valid certificate which would enable us to fly and once all of this was done, off to the airport we went. Once there, we were blocked from [...]

How Technology Will Affect Photo Booths Going forward

Photo booths are once again very much on the agenda as Parties and weddings prepare to set firm dates. Although we know things will be very different in more ways than one, Photo booths will once again operate and provide entertainment, all be it in a slightly different way. Technology will play a huge role […]

Photo Booth Industry-Preparing For Increased Bookings

The Photo booth industry has certainly suffered over the last few months, as have other Industries.  The market for next year however is certainly looking more positive with new bookings are coming in.  What Photo booth companies need to do now is plan for the future to accommodate the bookings when they do start coming […]

running a photo booth business

Running A Photo Booth business Successfully.

Photo Booths come in many different shapes and sizes and their functions can vary depending on which Photo Booth Company you purchase from. It’s really important if you are thinking of starting and running a photo booth business to understand what’s important to Party Hosts and what they are looking for in the functionalities when they [...]

What’s Important When Starting A Photo Booth Business

Starting a Photo Booth business can be incredibly lucrative and it can deliver high profits with very few outgoings.  It’s really important before you start your business however to do your research.   When researching areas you intend to operate in,  its important to know how many Photo booth hire companies are already operating and […]

How Photo Booth Hire Can Thrive Through The Current Crisis

The recent Pandemic has certainly changed things in ways we could never have imagined, both our social lives and work lives have changed considerably and none of us could have predicted the outcome. Things will remain very different for some time and many believe that things will never fully be the same again. This is […]

Having The best Photo Booth Hire Packages For Your customers

The Photo booth industry continues to evolve and change and new and innovating products are coming onto the market which are offering Party Hosts an alternative to the standard Photo booth.   Party Hosts are looking for something a little different when it comes to party entertainment and they want to create a party that […]

Starting A Photo Booth Hire Company.

Photo booth hire remains a popular market and anyone starting their own photo booth hire company can profit from the growing market by ensuring they have a few products they can offer their customers. Party Hosts will very often want to hire more than one product and being able to offer this means you can […]

Choosing The Right Photo Booth Manufacturer.

Photo Booths are an integral part of any event and there are few events these days where they are not present. Choosing the right photo booth Company is paramount to your success and ensuring you have the right photo booth or Magic mirror Manufacturer for you can mean the difference between failure or success.   […]

The Future Trends For Photo Booths.

The future of the Photo Booths Market is very positive and is expected to grow at a considerable rate over the next five years. The rise of the market going forward is partly due to the sharing capabilities Photo booths software have on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and twitter. GIF’S have also become incredibly […]

Starting The Best Photo Booth business

If you are seriously considering starting your own Photo Booth Business, there are certain aspects you need to pay special attention to and some of the things we think are vital and necessary, often are not. The first and most important thing to consider is choosing a reputable manufacturer to ensure the quality of the […]

Staying Ahead With Your Photo Booth Business.

Photo Booths are still very much a part of most events and whether it be a Wedding or a Birthday party, having a Photo Booth is at the top of the list for most Pay Hosts but what are they looking for when they choose a Photo Booth and how can you make sure yours […]

Robots at Weddings

Robots at Weddings Hiring a photo booth for a wedding has been common practice for a long time, but now brides and grooms everywhere have the option of choosing a robot photographer to capture their big day. Service Robots leases robot photographers and waitresses to serve at weddings, with increasing numbers of happy couples choosing [...]

What are magic mirrors?

Launched in 2016, magic mirrors have become a craze sweeping the nation! And the idea behind it is beautifully simple. In a nutshell, a magic mirror captures a full-length photograph with the use of a reflective touchscreen. It’s quick at what it does, too, with images printing out in under 10 seconds. All you have […]