
Marketing Your Photo booth Business

The ease with online marketing means it is very easy to get the word out about your photo booth business, build a very successful brand and attract more customers. Marketing is one of the most important aspects of your business and the importance of your website is paramount to your success.  One of the first […]

Many New Products Will Enter The Photo Booth market

The photo booth is still very much alive and well when it comes to parties and events but it’s been a tough time for everyone in the industry, not only has the event industry practically shut down for well over a year, there has been no certainty when things are going to improve. Hopefully now […]

How Technology Will Affect Photo Booths Going forward

Photo booths are once again very much on the agenda as Parties and weddings prepare to set firm dates. Although we know things will be very different in more ways than one, Photo booths will once again operate and provide entertainment, all be it in a slightly different way. Technology will play a huge role […]

Photo Booth Companies Can Get Ready For A New Season.

Photo booths look set to be on the menu again, with Pubs and many other venue’s now with definite reopening dates and a slow change back to a new normality, photo booth businesses can once again begin to plan their return. With Photo booth hire now being considered an essential accompaniment for Wedding receptions or […]

5 Tips For Choosing The Best Wedding Photo Booth Rental 2021

Meet the team, this is important and ask these questions.  Will it be you that will be doing the event?  Are your staff trained to interact with the customers?  It is important here you lay down the law on what you are to expect from a photobooth provider. Here in an email or on booking […]

How Link building Is Vital For Your Photo booth Website

As the entertainment industry starts to prepare for a comeback, businesses within the hospitality and events sector will be preparing to once again take bookings. If you have a photo booth hire business, preparing and servicing equipment is important but also making sure your marketing and website are where they need to be is paramount […]

Why Eva Photography Robot Is A Great Addition To Your Photo Booth Hire Business.

Whilst the entertainment Industry is at a standstill at the moment, when things do improve and events and parties once again get back into full swing, Photo booth Companies will need to think ahead. Although things may get back to semi normal, we will still be living in a new norm for quite some time. […]

Starting A successful Photo Booth Business.

There are many different Photo booths out there and the one you decide to invest in will depend on your personal preference but it also must be based around what is popular in your area and what party hosts are looking for when they are hiring a Photo booth for their event. There was a […]

A New Year For Photo Booth Events.

Events companies and many other industries have taken considerable financial hits since the pandemic broke and things are not back to normal yet,  although next year looks set to be much more promising and whilst things may take a while to get back on track, insiders predict the events industry will come back stronger than […]

Photo Booths Or Magic Mirrors.

With the event market picking up and things looking much more positive for next year, Photo booth hire companies are starting to think about ways to boost a much needed income. Next year is certainly a good time to start thinking about a business in the events Industry and those wanting to start a photo […]

Having The best Photo Booth Hire Packages.

One of the first things a Bride will do when thinking of booking a Photo booth is to look at certain factors including price and what is included in package prices. Many Brides will not only be looking for Photo booth hire but also looking for what else may be included in those packages. Many […]

Starting A PhotoBooth Hire Company

If you are thinking about starting a photo booth Company, you will have lots of questions and its knowing what are the key important features you need to be aware of when choosing a photo booth Company to purchase from.   The first question will be equipment and what you are looking to purchase, there […]

The Events Market Improves As Weddings Can Once Again Take Place

As more businesses reopen and others await dates for reopening, events are once again being planned and booked. The Photo Booth market has taken quite a hit as have other markets but there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel with many Photo Booth hire Companies reporting new bookings and […]

The Events Market And The Recent Pandemic

Many Restaurants, Bars and other establishments are preparing to once again open their doors, although social distancing will be very much in place and reduced capacities within many venues will be the norm, Businesses are once again looking forward to getting some semblance of normality back.   Photo Booth hire has been seriously affected by […]

Protecting Your Photo Booth Business During The Coronavirus Crisis.

Although the recent Coronavirus Crisis we all face has meant the events market will stall for a while, those Photo Booth hire companies that spend the time working on their Business in these quiet times are the ones that will benefit when we come through the other side.   Photo booth hire remains a popular […]